The next generation is often impacted and affected by issues and decisions within our communities. Messages promoting risky behavior through advertisements, the internet, and the behaviors of adults can become normalized with the constant exposure to our youth. Gambling harm can impact both adults and youth. According to a recent survey in NYS, nearly 40% of youth have gambled in the past year. (NYS OASAS, 2014 YDS results). In 2023, we worked hard to learn more about the best way to hear from youth, and what we could do to improve our messaging to the communities we serve.
What We Changed:
After much consideration, we found that the project name “YOUTH DECIDE” discouraged many from relating to messaging distributed through the project. The new project name, “YOU Decide” creates a more inclusive and empowering space for people of all ages to learn more about youth gambling prevention. We crafted several updates to the YOU DECIDE website to create a more user-friendly experience including adding resources that are more direct and aesthetically pleasing and easy to find “where to go for help” button. We also added additional audience specific sections to the website, including youth, young adults, parents, and community influencers. Having dedicated resources based on the audience’s needs helps us develop and create materials that will be the most helpful to all visitors.
Where to learn more and find help:
For additional educational resources, data, and more, please visit YOU Decide NY Home – You Decide NY . If you need additional support, or someone you know is struggling with a gambling problem, please reach out to your local Problem Gambling Resource Center at NYProblemGamblingHELP.org. There you can connect with a dedicated professional eager to help you identify local resources and get connected to local support as desired. For 24/7 support, call the NYS OASAS HOPEline at 1-877-846-7369 or text 467369.